

"Every person deserves to be respected especially during the illness. Our Mission is to improve the quality of life of sick people, supporting them during therapy and controlling the side effects of chemotherapy or those induced by other drugs."
Our biotechnological products tell the story of the commitment made in research, in order to offer concrete and effective support therapies.


The company name reflects our philosophy. Our aim is to give to the people a better quality of life. We were and still are one of the first companies dedicated to the treatment of the side effects induced by drugs and other pathologies. In particular, our products are able to offer solutions for skin and systemic side effects induced also by chemotherapy and radiotherapy.


"Every person deserves to be respected especially during the illness.
Our Mission is to improve the quality of life of sick people, supporting them during therapy and controlling the side effects of chemotherapy or those induced by other drugs."
Our biotechnological products tell the story of the commitment made in research, in order to offer concrete and effective support therapies.


The company name reflects our philosophy. Our aim is to give to the people a better quality of life. We were and still are one of the first companies dedicated to the treatment of the side effects induced by drugs and other pathologies. In particular, our products are able to offer solutions for skin and systemic side effects induced also by chemotherapy and radiotherapy.


About Us

Again Life Italia is a pharmaceutical biotechnology company which grows mainly due to the listening that it dedicates to patients, doctors, pharmacists and health professionals. It constantly invests in scientific research and in the development of its Biotechnological platform to always be innovative and to represent a point of reference for the necessities of those who need most. The products are developed with own patents present at international level.


About Us

Again Life Italia is a pharmaceutical biotechnology company which grows mainly due to the listening that it dedicates to patients, doctors, pharmacists and health professionals. It constantly invests in scientific research and in the development of its Biotechnological platform to always be innovative and to represent a point of reference for the necessities of those who need most. The products are developed with own patents present at international level.


ALI in the world

Our patents are present in many countries around the world.

Europe, North America, South America, Asia, South Africa.

At the moment, the company aims to expand its collaboration with partners who share its same philosophy.


Due to many years of experience and a continuous training of the staff, the company is committed to research and relies on the best selected suppliers, paying attention to the highest quality standards.

In 2014 the certification process maintained every year, was successfully completed, respecting the standards of the ISO regulations and using a Quality Management System that guarantees professionalism, solidity and safety for patients and healthcare professionals.


ALI in the world

Our patents are present in many countries around the world.

Europe, North America, South America, Asia, South Africa.

At the moment, the company aims to expand its collaboration with partners who share its same philosophy.



Due to many years of experience and a continuous training of the staff, the company is committed to research and relies on the best selected suppliers, paying attention to the highest quality standards.

In 2014 the certification process maintained every year, was successfully completed, respecting the standards of the ISO regulations and using a Quality Management System that guarantees professionalism, solidity and safety for patients and healthcare professionals.


Le informazioni contenute in questo sito non possono in alcun modo sostituire quelle che il medico, farmacista o infermiere potranno dare, ma possono favorire il dialogo con loro. Il paziente NON deve utilizzare le informazioni contenute per diagnosticare o curare un problema di salute o una malattia, che restano di esclusiva gestione del medico. Il presente servizio non autorizza l’uso di alcun trattamento, medicina o prodotto pertanto si declina ogni responsabilità derivante da un uso improprio delle informazioni.

L’accesso al sito web, ai suoi contenuti, è consentito solo per informazione personale.

The information on this site cannot in any way replace what the physician, pharmacist or nurse can give, but they can support dialogue with them. The patient must NOT use the information contained to diagnose or treat a health problem or disease, which remains to the exclusive management of the physician. This service does not authorize the use of any treatment, medicine or product therefore, we decline any responsibility deriving from an improper use of the information. Access to the website and to its contents is allowed only for personal information.

Again Life Italia S.r.l.
Via Lago D’Orta 1, Palazzo Work 36015 Schio (VI) Italy 

Tel. +39 0445 372131
Fax +39 0445 377100

Company Certified
ISO 13485:2016
ISO 9001:2015

P.Iva Vat n. 03526560242

